The GoGo Story

Hello, and thanks for visiting.
I started GoGoTraveler to help people have their best possible travel-like-a-local experiences in Europe and North America.
As for me, I caught the travel bug early and have managed to traverse much of our lovely planet solo. I'm a research pro, an insatiably curious art, performance and good-food junkie, and I love sharing my finds.
Discovering the strange, beautiful, obscure local haunts makes travel magical. Every place has them, but it takes some time and sleuthing to find.
That's where GoGo comes in.
Whatever the budget, tell us your destination and dates, and we'll find you those amazing discoveries. Lodging and food suggestions, too, if you'd like. We'll do the research, so you can just leap and go.
Ready to Get Started?
Just take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire. choose a travel pack: culture, food, accommodations ... and let's get you going.
Cheers, and happy travels, Lisa